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I'm Jordan L. Rose, an end-of-life doula and IL licensed Funeral Director. I've dedicated my life and career to serving my community by assisting families during their loved ones' last days and after. Providing compassionate and insightful care are my top priorities.

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Spa setting with aromatic candles

Traditional Doula Packages

These are full-spectrum packages that offer support and guidance across the entire end-of-life journey, including planning vigil and post-death services, caregiver support, presence during the vigil, etc.

Standard Doula Package Tier 1: $1650 Tier 2: $2600

Package Includes:

  • 5 Pre-Vigil Visits (totaling 8 hours)
  • Phone & Text Access to the Doula
  • Creation of a Remembrance Project
  • Development of a Vigil Plan
  • Emotional, Psychological and Informational Support
  • 17 Hours of Vigil Presence and Guidance
  • Assistance with Practical Vigil Care
  • Respite for Caregivers
  • Extended Presence at the Time of Death & Afterwards
  • 2 Post-Death Visits (totaling 3 hours)
  • Referrals to Community Bereavement Services
  • 1 Check-in Call after the Post Death Visits

Add-ons Visits: +3 visits for $300

+ 5 visits for $425

Traditional Doula Package

Tier 1: $2300 Tier 2: $3700

Package Includes:

  • 8 Pre-Vigil Visits (totaling 12 hours)
  • Phone & Text Access to the Doula
  • Creation of a Remembrance Project
  • Development of a Vigil Plan
  • Emotional, Psychological and Informational Support
  • 22 Hours of Vigil Presence and Guidance
  • Assistance with Practical Vigil Care
  • Respite for Caregivers
  • Extended Presence at the Time of Death & Afterwards, including coordinated with selected funeral home or other service
  • Assistance in Selection of funeral or cremation service
  • Planning of and Presence during funeral or celebration of life (up to 5 hours)
  • 4 Post-Death Visits (totaling 6 hours)
  • Referrals to Community Bereavement Services
  • 1 Check-in Call after the Post Death Visits

Add-ons Visits: +3 visits for $300

+ 5 visits for $425

Spa setting with aromatic candles

Vigil Packages

Basic Vigil Package

Tier 1: $650 Tier 2: $1000

For people who only need the doula to provide light emotional and physical support during the vigil. In addition to providing presence, the doula will inform people about the signs and symptoms of imminent death. A Vigil package is most suitable for a client who is already in palliative care or will be soon.

Package Includes:

  • 10 Hours of Vigil Support & Guidance
  • Abbreviated Vigil Planning
  • Emotional, Psychological, and Informational Support
  • Assistance with Practical Vigil Care
  • Limited Presence During the Vigil and Presence at Time of Death and Afterwards
  • Referrals to Community Bereavement Services
  • 1 Check-in Call after the Death

Add-ons Visits: +3 visits for $300

+ 5 visits for $425

Traditional Vigil Package

Tier 1: $1500 Tier 2: $2200

For clients who want regular doula support and guidance through the last days of a dying person's life. We'll do some vigil planning the first visit or two. We will insure the wishes expressed by the dying person and loved ones are followed as closely as possible. The doula will provide emotional, physical, and informational support during the vigil. A Vigil package is most suitable for a client who is already in palliative care or will be soon.

Package Includes:

  • 20 Hours of Vigil Support & Guidance
  • Abbreviated Vigil Planning
  • Emotional, Psychological, & Informational Support
  • Assistance with Practical Vigil Care
  • Respite for Caregivers
  • Extended Presence at the Time of Death & Afterwards
  • 1 Post-Death Visit (up to 1.5 hours)
  • Referrals to Community Bereavement Services
  • 1 Check-in Call after the Post Death Visit

Add-ons Visits: +3 visits for $300

+ 5 visits for $425

Female Lawyer looking at Documents

Advanced Planning


Tier 1: $250 Tier 2: $425

This package is for people who want to use a doula as a sounding board for some of the care decisions they need to make. I will also assist with an overall review of environment, caregiver needs, and quality of life issues.

Package Includes:

  • 5 one-hour visits
  • Phone & Text Access to the Doula
  • Assistance with, or Review of, Advance Directives
  • Evaluation of Environment to Improve the Quality of Life
  • Evaluation of Caregiver Status & Needs
  • Funeral Planning, including Service Details, Assistance in Choosing Funeral Home, Planning After Funeral Needs.

Hourly Rates

This service is also available at an hourly rate of:

  • 3 hours: $85/hr

(either 3 one-hour visits or 2 1.5 hour visits)

  • 4-6 hours: $70/hr

Lawyer, Notary, Attorney Signs Document

Legacy Project

What is a Legacy Project?

Legacy projects help clients find and share the meaning of their life and accomplishments. A project can be many things, including: photo collage, video journal, letters to loved ones, writing a memoir, creating a scholarship, and so much more

All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine.

-Jim Rohn


Tier 1: $150 Tier 2: $275

Package Includes:

  • 3 one-hour visits
  • Phone & Text Access to the Doula
  • Planning and execution of a fully-customized Legacy Project with the client and participating loved ones
  • Facilitation of Legacy Project including: research, accessing resources, publishing, printing, etc. (Extent to be determined during initial meeting)

Add-ons: +3 hours for $250

+ 5 hours for $325


Elder Patient Helping Nurse Hand

Hourly Support Services

What kind of services?

Hourly Support is a great choice for someone who doesn't need an extended amount of support. The type of services ranges greatly: including comfort care for the dying person, respite for the caregiver, light tidying and household tasks, emotional support, etc.

Hourly Services do not include vigil support

Hourly Pricing

Tier 1: $ 50/hr (1-hour minimum)

4 Hours: $175 total

6 Hours: $250 total

Tier 2: $ 85/hr (1-hour minimum)

4 Hours: $275 total

6 Hours: $350 total

Mother and children praying and praising God at home

Funeral Services

Coming Soon.

Sliding Scale & Pricing Policy

I'm committed to making end-of-life services accessible to all, regardless of their financial situation.

Please choose the tier that best suits your current ability to pay.

By paying at the Tier 2 level, you are helping to ensure I can offer these services to as many families as possible, as well as giving pro bono services each year.

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Tier 1

I frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them.

I have debt that sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs.

Working through survival credit card debt.

I have no access to savings.

I have no or very limited expendable income. I qualify for government assistance, including food stamps and healthcare.

My family does not have access to assets; I send money to my family when able.

I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing.

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Tier 2

I may stress about meeting my needs sometimes but I regularly achieve them.

I have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. May include student loans, and most people in my family have higher education.

I might have some savings.

I can take a vacation annually or every few years.

I have some expendable income; able to have some new items and some thrift.

My family has some assets, like owning a home. My housing is stable and mid- to higher-end.

Payment to be made at initial meeting or over the course of our work together, depending on which services are provided.

If you need help affording or accessing any of the services, please contact me and we will discuss different options.

What is an EOL doula?

Elderly Hospice Patient with Daughter

An end-of-life (EOL), aka death doula, is a trained individual who provides emotional, spiritual, and practical support to individuals and their families during the dying process and in the period leading up to death. Similar in concept to birth doulas who support individuals during childbirth, death doulas assist people as they navigate the end of their lives.

It's important to note that death doulas do not provide medical or nursing care. Instead, they complement the care provided by medical professionals, hospice teams, and other support services.

Their role is to offer a unique form of holistic support that focuses on the emotional and spiritual aspects of dying, promoting a more peaceful and meaningful transition.

Contact Me

Rose End-of-Life, LLC.

Call: ‪(224) 458-4783

Email: RoseEndOfLife@gmail.com

Watercolor pink flower wedding corner invite rose decoration
Watercolor pink flower wedding corner invite rose decoration

A Day (and a Death) in the Life of Jordan the Doula

A Day (and a Death) in the Life of Jordan the Doula

Monday August 21, 2023

When I was about 11 years old, my grandparents gave me a puppy for Christmas. He was a Cocker Spaniel and was the runt of his litter. I had only ever had cats my whole life, and those were always outdoor pets. I was over the moon. He was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Toby was with me through the tribulations of middle school, the hopes and heartbreaks of high school and so many life lessons and changes throughout college and beyond. When I was about 27, Toby's heath began to rapidly decline. One morning, my partner and I made the decision to take him to the vet, knowing he might not come home. I held him like a baby in the front seat with the window down. I repeated over and over how much I loved him.

Toby did not make it home from that visit. My entire world fell apart in those moments. Not only did I have to make that decision not to put him through more pain, but I also did not have my baby anymore. He wasn't just a dog; he was like an extension of myself. We were one whole entity and now I was forever without that part of me.

I slowly began to fill that grieving part of me with the gratitude that he was with me through all these parts of my life. I'm forever a better person for being this good boy's dog mom.

It may seem odd to make a first blog post about a pet, but those who have loved a furry friend will understand. Pet loss is still loss and the grief surrounding it is real. If we're lucky, we'll be able to honor our pets who've crossed the "rainbow bridge" by extending our love to new companions.
